The following are a list of some of the plants and trees that we work with. This list does not contain all of the plants we work with but is extensive. The information provided is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness and it’s important to always work with a trained professional. The qualities of the plants are archetypal qualities and when an individual is working with these plants, they may not experience the qualities of plants exactly as listed below. These again are broad archetypes. The plants rarely teach in a way that is only understood by the mind. There is an experiencing that happens with each plant, that also goes beyond the rationality and reductionism of the mind, moving into a felt-sense, an aliveness, a space of gratitude, awe and humility. No two people will ever experience a plant the same way. Also it is important that a skilled guide is able to help to work with and interpret the medicine and dreams of each of these plants, for working with these plants is like learning a new language.

Also please note this knowledge comes from Jason and Merav’s more than a decade of experience with these trees and is not to be used or reproduced without our consent.


European / North American Trees:


Olive (oleaceae)


Birch (betula)


Alder (alnus)


Willow (salix)


Hawthorn (crataegus)


Oak (quercus)


Apple (malus)


Elder (sambucus nigra)


Amazonian Trees


Bellaco Caspi (himatanthus sucuuba)


Remo caspi (aspidosperma excelsum)


Huayra Caspi (cedrelinga cateniformis)


Ayahuma (couroupita guianensis)


Renaquilla (clusia rosea)


Mururé / Tamamuri (brosimum acutifolium)


Chuchuwasi (maytenus macrocarpa)


Renaco (ficus sp.)


Chiric sanango (brunfelsia grandiflora)


Copal (dacryodes peruviana / protium copal)


Camalonga (cascabela thevetia/peruviana and/or strychnos)


Uña de Gato / Cat’s Claw (uncaria tormentosa)


Tobacco (nicotiana rustica)


Other Trees


Queñoa (polylepis)

Photo by Bairbre Crowley

Photo by Bairbre Crowley

Shipibo maestras Laura, Elysia, and Elena