Calendar 2020
Tree and Plant Dieta Retreat Schedule
Tree and Plant Dieta dates for 2020: February 1-28, May 13-30, June 13-30, July 16-August 2
Click on the calendar or below to go to the Dieta Event Page
If I am not available there are two co-workers who I would recommend. It is of the utmost importance that you work with someone who is qualified. There are more and more people popping up claiming to be curanderos with these medicines, but many are not qualified to do this work, in fact, very few. These two people are both co-workers and friends, and have gone through an extensive training process and are truly curanderos with these medicines:
Merav - you can visit her website at: or her Facebook page at: Merav Tabaquera
Valko - you can visit his website at: Medicina Naturalista