Integration Call for Help with a Past Ceremonial Experience
The word integration comes from the root meaning to make whole. Essentially all medicine work is a journey into wholeness, a shedding away of what no longer serves, moving closer to the essence of who we truly are. During ceremonies we can have very profound experiences where a tremendous amount of insight, learning and healing can occur. These experiences can deeply alter ourselves and our lives, opening us to new ways of seeing and of being. For many people who go through these ceremonial or initiatory experiences, some of the hardest work comes after the ceremony, once they reemerge back into their lives. The insights and healing must be practiced and integrated back into their lives, for if they are not, then the ceremonial experience was just a fleeting moment. While change and insight can be seen in oneself, often there is difficulty in feeling that the outside world is still the same. Also it can be difficult to find people who understand our experiences and are able to listen to and aid us on our journey. This can leave us feeling very alone.
In more traditional societies, this medicine work was often woven into the fabric of their people’s lives. So integration was a natural part of life. One was surrounded by the medicine people, the elders, the community which supported them during their process. So there was a more seamless process of integrating their experience into their lives. For many of us who come from different cultures where that support is not abundantly surrounding us, this sense of aloneness and a desire to communicate and to ask for help, guidance, and encouragement is lacking. Working with someone who has done this work themselves and helped to guide many people on this journey can really help to aid in the process. Often just a short conversation with someone to listen to what is arising and offer perspective and guidance can be a tremendous help. The role of an integrator isn’t necessarily to decipher or to give concrete advice, but to help us to see things in a light and perspective that empowers us to move into wholeness. Insight, perspective, guidance, experience, and wisdom can help to guide and integrate in very powerful ways.
Consultation Call for an Ongoing Issue or for Interest in Working with Me
If you have an ongoing issue, whether it be physical, mental/emotional, or spiritual, and would like to speak with me, having a call can be a very beneficial process. By understanding your situation I may be able to provide guidance remotely simply through dialogue or also by creating a protocol of natural medicines that can begin to bring relief and create long-term change. This usually involves beginning to work on all three levels, so creating certain protocols and natural remedies that work on the physical level, creating routines and structures that begin to work on the mind and emotions, and eventually practices or tools that can bring alignment to spirit. This may be sufficient in and of itself and/or in the future it could lead, if a call is felt, to come and work more hands on in-person.
To schedule an integration or consultation with Jason, please click the “Book now” button below. Sessions are 1 hour 15 minutes and cost $120 and can be done via a video call or telephone.
Tobacco and Tree Dieta Retreat Schedule
Plant Dieta dates: February 1 - March 1, 2025 * April 21 - May 8, 2025 * July 1-18, 2025