The plant dieta is a chance to learn from one of the Master Plant teachers. “Dieting” is a traditional process one undertakes to learn and heal deeply from a plant. The dieta is done in isolation which gives the participant a chance to deeply be with herself, to see and understand the mind, and to allow the plant to maximize its effects.
Guests will arrive during the day, get settled in, potentially have a diagnostic to see which plant would be of most benefit, and then begin the ceremony and dieting process that day/night. Food is kept to a minimum to allow the plant to deeply penetrate. It is said that when the body is weak, the spirit is high. Guests will drink a juice or smoothie or eat a light soup twice a day just in order to maintain physical force so that they are able to undertake the plant diet, which can be strong and profound.
The dietas will be run by myself and my colleague Merav, a very experienced tabaquera. Combined we have worked with and guided over a thousand people in ceremonies working with various plants. It is a great opportunity to work with both a very experienced male and female guide.
Guests have the option to stay between one and three weeks. Each diet is eight days and eight nights. Guests drink their medicine each day and have a consultation with Merav and Jason each day. We break the dieta on the eighth morning with a small ceremony and with a meal. Guests will have dinner that night and can leave the following morning.
Guest works with one tree per dieta. We recommend at least two weeks to go more deeply into the medicine. There is a two-day break in between diets to rest and recuperate. Guests can stay on-site during these two days. In these two days, we will not be preparing food. There are many restaurants, grocery stores and markets nearby, and its a good opportunity to get out a bit, use the internet, rest, integrate, do laundry, and run any errands in town that they may need to do.
The dietas will take place in Urubamba, Peru. This is in the Sacred Valley of Peru, where the lowland Amazonian jungle comes up and turns into the high Andean mountain range. Price is all-inclusive of the dieta, including all work, medicine, food, accommodation, and treatments. (Exact location and accommodation may vary depending on the number of dieters)
Dieta dates:
Week 1: February 3rd - 10th
Week 2: February 13th - 20th
Week 3: February 23rd - March 2
This will be special retreat in that a few colleagues of ours will be involving selected guests in two projects that we are excited about and hope will further our work. The first will be a documentary about our work with tobacco and trees directed by our friend Luis Solarat. Luis directed a very good documentary by London Real about ayahuasca entitled Reconnect. He is hoping to shed more light and bring our work with dieting out to a bigger audience. He would like to interview guests who are willing to participate before their diets begin and after they close. He would also like to follow up with them via a virtual call around a month after their dietas are completed.
The second project that will be taking place is run by our friend Luke Jensen and involves brain mapping and neurofeeback. This project is designed to run diagnostics on the brain through its monitoring to get data sets on how the brain is functioning before and after the dieta. Guests who would like to participate will be asked to completed an online questionnaire around one to two weeks beofre the dieta begins. They will then have a 30 minutes in-person session before the diet starts with Luke to get some data points on the brain functioning. This is a seemless process and quite relaxing and enjoyable. Participating guests will then have another 30 minute session after their dieta is completed the day after we close.
The data sets that are collected will be used as part of a published paper to analyze the effects of the dieta process and how the plants can potentialy alter brain functioning for the better. Guests can also recieve their personalized data after the data has been analyzed. Here is a bit more from Luke about the process:
Our team is available to provide retreat clients information about what areas of their brain improved as a result of their retreat experience. In order to do this, we utilize a quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG). A qEEG is a diagnostic tool which measures the electrical activity of the brain in the form of brain wave patterns and is referred to as “brain mapping.” Each retreat client will be brain mapped as they arrive at the retreat center to determine their current brain function. Our team will complete a follow up brain map after their plant medicine experience to demonstrate and validate the positive changes in their brain function. By providing clients with this science-based data, it increases the validity and credibility of their experience. In addition, including our research results in marketing/outreach can increase success and help attract the "skeptical" public.
A QEEG brain map (quantitative electrocephagram), is an innovative method of measuring an individual’s brain activity in detail, to determine how our brain patterns could be affecting our thoughts, actions, emotions & general states of mind. Using a 19 point brain cap to capture all of the brain’s electrical activity, we analyze & give feedback on ways to improve brain function which in turn leads to an improved quality of life. Brain waives include: Delta: sleep / Theta: subconscious / Alpha: meditative / Beta: cognitive performance. How these waves appear in the brain can indicate to us a lot of different types of information: traumatic brain injury, anxiety, depression, ADD, PTSD and much more.
Participation in both of these projects in completely voluntary and their is absolutely no pressure to particpate. It would be a big help to us if we were to have some guests participate to help further our work. Luis is looking to interview around 5 people and Luke the same. Our assistant, Timmie, will send out an email asking if there people who would like to participate.
*We are SOLD OUT. Please email if you would like to be put on our waitlist*
Dieta cost: 1 week: $975 plus 5% credit card charge
(A 10% discount is given for the Apprenticeship Program when people have completed six dietas. Please email us for more information at
To book, visit the Store page or click below
Also see Merav’s website of more information at: